🎠On Manmohan Ji, Sonia Ji and Modi ji🚩©✒GBG⚔

1.  These three faces have ruled the Indian politics for the last decade and a half. They are a hot subject of memes, jokes, mudslinging,  and even worthy aswellas unworthy praise and criticism. So lets have a very brief look at all three.

2.  To begin with, lets have an extremly brief look at our lady of courage. Coming from ordinary italian background, Sonia married Rajiv Gandhi, the son of Mrs Indira Gandhi. After the death of her mother in law, Sonia Gandhi's husband became the PM, who again met a tragic death.

3.  Sonia, a young widow, with two young children then faced the most harrowing times of her life, both personally and politically.  But with her grit and determination, she overcame all. Having been slurred for being an italian married to an indian, as if this alone can be the reason to trash some one, Mrs Sonia Gandhi has overcome some of the worst circumstances in her political career. Her greatest strength is her ability to take pain, insult and defeat in her stride and emerge as a winner afterall.

4.  Mr. Manmohan Singh  is most sincerely a lucky winner. Twice he has remained the PM of India, but it was the Congress led by Sonia, that in fact won the match on ground.

5.  Narsimha Rao gave Singh Sahib his first break as a finance minister.  As Finance Minister he brought some positive  structural reforms and liberalized India's economy. As a result, Singh became known globally as a  reformist economic leader.

6.  Singh's politics is different and his rise circumstantial. He is not a leader of the masses, but a loyal party man who is very good at deliverance, but only if, some one can take care of the dirty politics for him.

7.  When UPA came to power, Pranab was sidelined and Singh brought in as a more cooperative proxy PM. The political part of the game was taken care of by Sonia. Singh's role was to look after the administration alone.

8.  Singh is basically a bureaucrat and a teacher, who is a good and wise administrator too, but he is quite apolitical.
He is not a political mudwrestler, but a guy who goes on the podium to recieve the trophy of a match, when the winner is not allowed to go on the podium.

9.  Singh Sahib became, PM twice, because of his own good luck and the fact that Sonia could not be the PM. His second term too, was a result of both these factors plus the fact that he was loyal and non-threatening to the Capo Signora Rispettabile.

10.  On the other hand Mr. Modi with all his flaws in understanding economy and strategy,   happens to be a mass leader. Having thrice been the CM of Gujrat, Mr. Modi is way ahead of Mr. Singh, when it comes to being a winner in a the slushy cesspool of Indian politics.

11.  Having risen from amongst the masses, to have reached the position of PM, talks volumes about two things. Firstly, the superbly great political acumen of Mr. Modi, and secondly, the amount of margin that the Indian democracy allows,  to politics of manipulative courage and extreme  positioning.

12.  Being a game of numbers and money, Mr Modi is a master striker of the game of Hindustani Rajniti, as he garnered the biggest election financiers as well as the requisite numbers on his side, by using the political card of religion.

13.  I am not here to lay blame on any of these captains of the Indian Ship. I admire  all three for their abilities to survive, Manmohan via his adminstrative ability, loyalty and servitude, Modi for his extremely sharp mind, his  ruthless and cunning political acumen and his ability to create mirages,  and Sonia for her great courage, grit, determination  and perseverance.

14. Just to bring in some italian in the end.......
Saluto Manmohan Singh
per le sue capacità amministrative,
Saluto la Signora Sonia Gandhi per essere una Donna Di Grande Coraggio e Determinazione,
Ma devo anche salutare il Signor Modi per la sua abilità politica molto astuta e spietata.
May India shine and stay blessed always.
🚩तत्त सत्त श्री अकाल🚩
©✒Guru Balwant Gurunay.⚔

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