1. Sikhism was started by Nanak, by declaring clearly, loudly and vailantly, that I am neither a Hindu, nor a Muslim.
2. This too can not be denied that, from first to tenth Guru, neither any of the Gurus, not their wives came from Islamic background.
3. All Gurus came from hundred percent upper caste Hindu Khatri background, specially Bedis or Vedis, Bhallas and Sodhis. GuruWives were all Hindus too, having names like, Nanaki, Damodari, Mahadevi, Sundari etc. It needs mention that Nanak, was the only Satguru, who nominated an absolute outsider, as Guru, ignoring his own sons. After that, the Gurudom has been an in-house affair, where the Gurudom passed to sons, son-in-laws or even grandsons, all within the family.
4. This having been said, the second most important part of Sikhism is, that the Sikh history along with being a tradition of Gyaan Yog and Karamyog, Valiant Martydoms and resistance to any curbs on human freedom, is also a saga of great treachery, devised, designed and enacted upon by letdowns, backstabbers, conniving, lying and misinforming rascals, who all came from close family of Gurus, and at different times, laid claim to GuruGaddi of Sikhism, for which they carried out attempts on lives of Gurus, or those most expected to be Gurus, some times failing and sometimes succeeding in getting the Gurus or their children, assassinated.
5. Another most important part of this religion is that, none of the Gurus either proclaimed, or ever insisted upon them being prophets of any kind. They were teachers of the school of Nanak, who was the harbinger of a great thought and lifestyle revolution. As battle commanders, they some times won, and some times lost, and it can verily be said that, they osscilated between good and bad relationship with Mughal kings.
6. Also it is worth mentioning here, that the Sikhs fought battles with both Hindu kings and Mughals, at different times in different circumstances, aswellas in these battles, they had alliances with both Hindu aswellas Muslim Kings.
7. Generally, the Sikhs were extremely brave, devoted and valiant fighters, but they were poor strategists. They lost where ever they did, as a result of miscalculation, which is a clear sign of poor forecasting and loose strategy.
8. This too should not be forgotten that, The Golden temple, was not at all held as the Mecca of Sikhs. As per true Sikh tradition, Mecca is where the Guru, or Murshid is, and it is noteworthy that, after the Sixth Guru, Hargobind Sahib left Amritsar, and changed seat to Kiratpur, rest of the Gurus till tenth master, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji, never ever visited Harimandar or Golden temple. Infact Golden temple has for long been a battlefield between different priestly and political groups, for controlling the sikh voter and huge coffers of wealth, contributed by innocent Sikhs.
9. Truth is, that sikhs rather than following the true path of Nanak, that is the path of of research and development, have started following the way of priestly class, borrowed from hypocritical and irrational ways of both Islam and Hinduism. They worship their holy book, rather than reading it, and interpreting it again' and again, to reinvent and refresh the way and method of life. They also are ignorant of their own true history, and have now deitified their ten Gurus, to reduce them to wish granting spirits, rather than masters of a revolutionary path.
10. I can only request my Sikh friends, to revisit and reinvent their true history, rather than being blind followers of something, they don't even understand, glorified and falsified in to almost a mythology. This little essay of mine, if motivates, just about 5 youths, to devot only one year of their lives, to seriously, critically and analytically study Sikh history, and Nanak's true concepts, I will consider my self fortunate. I have spent a lifetime and realised for sure, that Sikhisn doesn't need devotional fools, but it desperately seeks analytical, aware and unbiased intellectualls, who can once again ignite the light of Nanak.
🚩 Satt Shri Akal.🚩
🚩 Truth is eternal wealth.🚩
✒ Corporate Guru Balwant Gurunay.⚔
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