🚩Who destroyed India, Rahul or Modi ⁉@ ✒GBG⚔

1.  Rahul Gandhi,  taking a dig at the  moratorium placed on YES BANK, alleged that Modi and his "ideas" had destroyed the country's economy.

2.  I would not like to defend Modi, as he is sitting strong and well defended,  but I'll address Rahul directly on his take.

3.   I can say with confidence, that you are wrong Rahul ji. You are wrong. Not Modi, but It is you and your party that has destroyed India, by putting in place a way of working, that set benchmarks in corruption and sycophancy.  The politics of divide and rule was fully exploited by Congress. Your party had 60 years  to make India a truly secular, castefree and socialist country, but under your party, India only got converted in to a land of strong divisions, which could be politically exploited. Later,   Advani first, and then Team Modi took advantage of it all, dug the social divisions deeper and wider, purely on religious grounds,  and beat Congress at it's own game.

4.  Politically speaking, you and your predecessors also faltered by not destroying your true  enemies in good time.  You were rather focused on belittling brothers and friends, turning giants into pygmies.  Rather than shattering the, yet under construction  fortresses of BJP,   Congress high command was over engaged in cutting bigwigs to size, just to ensure that the family and it's scions remain and feel snug and secure.

5.  If your Mama had not belittled a Giant like Manmohan Singh, if you guys would  have built him up like a true Hero, rather than a mere puppet of Gandhi's, things would have been different. In this case your family is guilty of MitraDroh, (मित्रद्रोह).
Read PanchTantra once again, not as a story book, but as a book of pure wisdom and you shall realize the truth.

6.  As a peek in to past, if you and Priyanka had volunteered to apprentice under Manmohan as his state ministers during UPA-1 and as cabinet  ministers, during UPA-2, and  worked in and for the government, rather than behaving as if you deserve to be the bosses always, one of  you my dear friends could have been the PM of India today. It's your absolute arrogance, and an attitude of enjoying the fruits of power sans responsibility, that you guys are where you are, and still continously sliding down.

7.   When Manmohan was the PM, you guys should have shown prudence, and accepted Manmohan as your Guru, and humbly learnt at his feet, but you assumed that you are a born future PM.

8.   Also, as a political strategy, as already said by me,    you and your family aswellas your party did not finish off Sangh and BJP absolutely when you could, but Modi is in no mood to spare you. He will keep you politically alive, as long as you are relevant to him as representative of a poor opposition, and after that you would be trashed by him.

9.    I am afraid, what would happen, if Modi was to take away the official house and security from you, Rahul ji, that would be your end politically.  I remember history, specially that of Bahadur Shah Zafar, and how the Britishers finished him off by just stripping him of his titles and perks first, only to languish in jail later.

10.  But as a Strategy Guru, I must give some good advise to you.  Make Priyanka incharge of Punjab now, and let her and Navjot Sidhu begin touring Punjab, and Punjab might give you another chance.  UP, Bihar, and Bengal are partial and only marginal playgrounds for you and your party, nothing much will come from there any more.  The regional ambition, and chances of it stealing the lion's share is emerging stronger than ever before in Bihar and Bengal .

11.   Also, bring the Old Sirdaar, Mr. MS, back on Center Stage, it'll do good for you and your party both.  Officially announce your self as Shishyas of Guru Manmohan, after announcing to the world, that he is your, and your party's  official guide, guru and philosopher. This strategy won't fail.  Get in touch with me, as and when you desire. I have the strategy to ensure you are out of blues.
 चश्म-ए-दिल वा हो तो है तक़्दीर-ए-आलम बे-हिजाब.
Good Luck.
© ✒Guru Balwant Gurunay.⚔

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