🚩Let's go back home, Said H.H. Dalai lama🚩@ ✒GBG⚔

1.   Tibet watchers have all kept their focus on  Dalai Lama's latest statements. There are many things that have happened during the last few weeks.

2.    Dalai lama washed his hands off the latest sex offences by tibetan lamas and said that he cannot be held responsible for      offenses committed  by others. The headmaster, it seems is tired of his own undisciplined and hypocrite teachers

3.    Then there has been an other politico-intellectual  blast by the spiritual head.He said that Europe belongs to Europeans,  and migrants or refugees in Europe should ultimately return to their own countries. This statement could have far reaching ramifications.

4.   Dalai lama has  literally 'written off'  a violent struggle to free Tibet, and observed that in view of both India and America now becoming friends with China, any violent struggle  with china is out of question.

5.  Dalai lama  wished to be back to Lhasa and stay there. He said that he wanted to go back to 'China' on a pilgrimage. 

6.  What Dalai Lama has stated  literally signals the end of  struggle for a  'Free Tibet'. It  also signifies  that Dalailama now sees a brighter future for tibetans in an economically and militarily stronger China.

7.   In fact, it all boils down to  'Tibetan Theocracy's' new strategy,   that    time to come under the umbrella of China’s sovereignty has come, and any tibetans who wish to go back to China, as citizens of China, may chose to do so rather than being refugees else where.
🚩तत्त सत्त अकाल🚩
©✒ Guru Balwant Gurunay⚔

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