Nirbhayaa, a 23-year-old
paramedic was brutally assaulted and gangraped by six persons in a moving bus
in south Delhi on the night of December 16, 2012 and thrown out of the
vehicle with her male friend. She later died in a Singapore hospital. After so
much debate on the media and Nirbhayaa case almost becoming a milestone case in
Indian crime history the criminals and crime continues. Every day there is news of
some woman being raped and killed some where in India where as hundreds of
domestic rapes or unreported ones are never heard of.
This is continuing
because conviction rate for this crime in India is extremly low. Rape can
be checked or for that matter any crime can be checked if the punishment is
exemplary. It is worth noting here that inspite of this case having
created an unprecendented public outrage, the Indian judicial system has failed
to take the culprits to a just end, an end that could serve as an example for
other criminals, thus reducing the crime rate, which is the aim of any criminal
justice system.
One of the accused in this case, Ram Singh was
found dead in Tihar Jail last year and the trial against him was
abated. The sixth accused, a juvenile was convicted and sentenced to a
maximum of three years in a reformation home by the juvenile justice board. It
is worth noting that in this rape and murder the so called juvenile, Pawan
Gupta (20) whistled his way out of criminal proceedings, even though he
was the most brutal of all the heinous criminals involved in this
case. The Juvenile Culprit pierced Nirbhaya's genitals with an iron rod to
the extent that he pierced her interiors all through her intestines and mangled
her vital organs. Then the gang cut her private parts with blades and proceeded
to force themselves on almost a corpse of her as she wriggled in pain and was
bleeding to death. They thought they had done away with (killed) her boy friend
as well. The boy, Awindera Pratap Pandey was unconscious after
being battered with an iron bar as he tried fighting the goons. Nirbhaya
and friend Awinder Pratap Pandey were both thrown out of a moving bus by
culprits after this murderous sexual assault...... thrown on the roads of Delhi
to be mowed down by other vehicles and the stupid juvenile justice.
Court ordered the execution of
death penalty for just two of the six convicts in this heinous gang
rape-and-murder case. Delhi high court upheld their conviction and award
of death penalty by terming the offence as "extremely fiendish" and
"unparallelled in the history of criminal jurisprudence" and said the
"exemplary punishment" was the need of the
hour. Supreme court could have easily upheld the high court
verdict but our ‘Honourable Judges’, 'The Lords' in their grand and
Godly magnanimity stayed the execution till further orders
If you ask
me, the only way to sort out such criminals is to do things the Saudi
Arabian way. In Saudi Arabia those convicted of murder, rape, sodomy, drug
trafficking and armed robbery earn a date with the swordsman. Some of us may argue that we Indians can not follow the saudis because we are peace loving people, 'Well we are fundamentalist !'. No friends this is not
true. A nation where mobs have butchered
thousands of innocents in Delhi and Gujarat riots, cut babies out of pregnant mothers, burnt people alive. where in punjab innocent people have been pulled out of buses and shot dead at point blank range, where hundreds were burnt alive in a train set on fire by religious people, 'No we can not said
to be shying away from sword or killing fellow human beings'. Our hitches and glitches in
delivering quick justice are simply the outcome of our system which is a mockery of
a judiciary and a kleptocracy faking as a democracy.
Many of us term beheading as gruesome. Well gruesome this method indeed is and rightly so because along with delivering justice the aim of any punishment is to instill fear in other criminal minds who might be considering committing similar crimes. I am all for extreme methods to address extreme ills of society. You may call me a heartless man but here I would like you to think of a surgeon who does not wait for nature to take care of a rotten limb but believes in its quick amputation to ensure that the organism survives,........ in this case the social organism.
Why do I talk of this method of execution.
A learned retired Judge recently observed on social media that India's
feudal mindset and not its failing legal machinery is the cause of rape and
other crime against women. My answer to the honourable Judge was that in
India the epidemic of rape is not a result of feudal mindset but a failure of
our legal machinery which delivers delayed justice and in many cases outrightly denied justice. In 90 percent cases the culprits go scot
free after long and tortuous trials breaking the victim's spirit to fight and breaking their family's, morally, socially and financially
Not one but many examples of such cases are there. Jyoti murder case, Ruchika Case, Geetika case and so many others, where the victim and the victim’s family suffer endlessly and the influential, moneyed and criminal culprit gets bail and roams free to further victimise the victim. 6 criminals burnt a a girl in Ludhiana whom they had raped, and they could do it only because they were released on bail by court of law. But if we consider our honourable judge's observation just for the sake of it, is a feudal disposal of punishment by a sharp sword not going to work wonders in a feudal society ?
The crime of rape is continuing blatantly in
India only and only because the criminal is emboldened. I fail to understand
why the Nirbhaya rapists and murderers are still alive. If every criminal is
delivered to his just ends in good time the crime will simply disappear. I
assure you if Nirbhaya culprits were resting in hell by now the Ludhiana girl
would not have been raped and burnt alive, the Delhi executive would
not have been raped by a serial rapist who was let loose by indian
judicial system after having been netted in a similar crime, and so many
other women would not have been raped and
murdered. Increasing incidents of rape in India are purely the result of
our bad judicial system where it takes ages to decide cases of such serious
nature and a system that almost absolutely fails to deliver any
punishment. Thus emboldened criminals turn serial killers and rapists, as
they are able to slither out of the legal net with in no time to further
pollute and intimidate the civil society.
Saudi Arabia’s Sharia-based law, public beheading is considered a
just form of capital punishment. Blindfolded and handcuffed condemned criminal
dressed in white robes is made to kneel and after the prayers have been said,
with one quick stroke his head is chopped off. This
method instills fear of law and the punishment works as a deterrent by instilling fear of consequences in minds of one and all.
This is a highly moral thing to do and our fake religious sentiments should not
come in the way. For instance Al-Bashoi, the executioner of Saudi Arabia feels
he is doing God’s work as he kills no one for revenge. Justice desires
the condemned to be killed , someone has to do it , so he does
the job. His work does not upset him. There are many people who faint when they
witness a beheading but he sleeps well. I think everybody deserves a good
sleep after a good days work.
Al-Bashoi, your one swift swing not only delivers the culprits to their fair destination but also instills fear of God and Justice in millions of others................ which our slow, snail paced judicial system, at times corrupt, at times playing to the gallery, at times sold out to rich and powerful and at times begging for bones thrown by corrupt politicians has failed to deliver so far. We do have Bashois in India too but we do not have Qazis like yours. Sometimes I wonder if the Indian Bashois will have to be the Qazis and the executioners both, I mean vigilante action. I leave it for my readers to decide.
poet balwant
aka guru
aka basho
Watch these videos only if you are strong at heart.
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Beheading of criminals ..... a sure way of stopping crime
This is what should be done to rapists and murderers of innocents in India
Graphic Content
Beheading of criminals ..... a sure way of stopping crime
This is what should be done to rapists and murderers of innocents in India
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