For all my friends young and old… Mafiosi has
changed its code language. Here is the latest for those who care or are forced
to care. 'Peti' or Rs 1 lakh is 'Haath' and 'Khokha' Rs 1 crore is 'Kaan' now. Tijori (tijori) 50 Crore or equivalent to 500 million INR. Hari Patti is Rs 500. An encounter specialist is Maharaj, a Senior inspector is Bawa and an inspector
attached to encounter team is now known as 'Francis'. A policeman is bidi
though pandu and thulla are still on. For gazetted officers 'Sir Ji' is used. An informant is still a Khabri but an
AK-47 earlier referred to as jhadoo is now a guitar. A weapon could still be refered to as Ghoda or Samaan but specifically a revolver and a pistol
earlier called a Chakri and Cassette are now referred to as Maa and Baccha or
Chappal (revolver) and file (pistol) . File se Ludkaana / marna would now mean "Shoot
him with a pistol." The underworld word for 'cash, currency or paise' is
Kaagaj or Lottery . If a cop is to be bribed the in thing to say is 'Uss ko
Guldasta (bouquet) deney ka', though Guldasta could also mean a bomb. ‘Fake
passport', is Pattaa or Chidiya (the earlier code for pager). A mobile phone,
earlier called a Kauvaa is now termed as Hathwala. 'Game' which means 'murder'
has been replaced with 'DEY' . .. Dey de usko meaning kill him. Peela is gold,
Barf is silver and 'Patient' is a victim. Patient ko hospital mein rakhna hai
means (victim) has to be kidnapped and confined at some undisclosed location.
Any good looking girl is an 'Item'. A smart arse in army known as chatak
chutiya in Mumbayi underworld is refered to as 'Aasmani Kabutar'. Taking to a
corner ( Kopche mein lejana ), giving a good bashing ( Kharcha paani dena ),
don ( bhai) contract ( supari ) are well known to all of you. This is an ever
changing lingo almost used as army's cipher and its strength lies in its
changing on almost daily basis. There are special khabris and intelligence cops
who work 24x7 to update these changes but the underworld still manages to stay
Other than the underworld if
you happen to be visiting the Maya Nagri these phrases may come in handy
Bhindi : Bombay Hindi just like Pinglish is Punjabi english.
Abbey Yede : A friendly “You fool”.
Abbey Yede : A friendly “You fool”.
Fattu : Coward or a Spineless bugger.
Waat Lag Gayi : I am screwed or “We are screwed!”
Ghanta : Nothing or In English 'Balls !'
Gadha Majoori : Donkey's labour, job not requiring much thinking. Boring, tiring,Job.
Pandu : A police constable
or a traffic police official. Sometimes it is also replaced by the commonly
used “Mama” which means “Uncle” . Thulla and Bidi are in common use now.
Keede mat kar : “Don’t create put worms in my
arse or brain, don't irritate me, dont mess up with me, is used
to warn someone in a casual way.
Shaana : “Smart-ass!” when used
sarcastically “Do you think you are a smart ass?”
Alibag se aaya hai kya :
Are you such a big fool?
Alibag se aaya samjha hai kya : Do you think I am a fool?
Alibag se aaya samjha hai kya : Do you think I am a fool?
Chaava lag raha hai : “You are looking very handsome!” or “You look terrible dude".
Chal Kat Le : “Just leave” and is usually said in a
playfully threatening manner.
Chindi : A rag, anything cheap including behaviour, a miser, something below standard.
Bus kya : Ho Gayaa Kya...or are you done meaning 'don't take me for
Apun : WE or I
or me...
Chava / Chavi :A lion's cub, a Boyfriend/GirlFriend
(normally the steady one).
Chikna / Chikni : Stands for any good looking fellow. Smooth.
Dhapnya / Battery /
double battery : Refers to a
person wearing prescription glasses.
Chaayla : "Chaayla" can be used
anywhere in a casual conversation.
Haila: "Hai Allah " An expression of surprise... "Oh God"
Keeda /SulemaniKeeda /
RehmaniKeeda: An absolute
Pakaa Nako: Its means don't eat my head or leave me alone.
Jhakaas : Superb.
Mandvali / Mandavli : Compromise /Negotiation or
Gangaram: A barber.
Dhakkan: A moron, an Idiot.
Dhating: The
word Dhating also refers to drama.
Atrang : Something
strange or extraordinary.
Funter / Tapori : Roadside loafer.
Shana :Literal meaning in marathi means wise..but mostly used
in sarcastic way.
Dhid shana : The word dhid/dedh means 1 and half times the
original one.That means 1 and half times shana.
ChappanTikkli : 56 spots, one with lot of pimples or marks on his/her face.
Dum : Cigarette with marijuana for
kick... Also sometimes just a simple fag.
Hul [Hool] : Iritating scolding ..
Bevda / Gutter /
Taankee / Batli / JohnnyWalker : A
Charsi / Fookya /
Soootya : A charas smoker. Charas
is marijuana.
Rappak [ Rappppppppak ] :Means Slap.
Tapri : A road side shop.
Chotay / Ramu : For any kid working in a Tapri.
Mava / (120 - 300) [
EkSauBees-TeenSau ] : Paan. Mava is everything that paan has without the betel-leaf. Also refers to the
person who consumes it.
Dhakta : Younger person or or a small packet.
Dhoop Chaav : Roadside vendors with a hole-ridden rag for a canopy.
Chinese Gaadi : "Tapri" or rehdi Selling chinese food on the side of the road. Chinese Gaadis are
red in color, with the picture of a dragon or a chinese man and have names like
"Red Sun","Red Dragon", "Fong's",
"Ching" "Sung-Ming"or "Chow" or anything that
Sounds even vaguely Chinese.
Baba- Parsi fellow.
Mahim - Matunga / Vasai - Virar : This is a term used for squints.
Mahim - Matunga / Vasai - Virar : This is a term used for squints.
Ghungroo Salmaan : Fellow mistaking Himself to be a film hero. A put-down phrase.
Cutting : Half cup of Tea. Folks would split a cup of
tea between 2 people... and finally the tea vendor started selling half cup of
tea as "cutting".
Andha Dhuni /
Aadva-Patta : AadvaPatta is a "Cross batted cricket shot". AndhaDhuni means "Blind shot".also used for a guy who doesn't bat well.
Mama / Maushi : Uncle /Aunty, A polite way to address a marathi speaking street vendor.
Dada / Tai : Elder brother or sister.
Uncle / Auntie : Used as everywhere else for an elderly man or a lady.
Ghaati : Residents of the rural regions of
Maharashtra. not considered a polite term.
Gujju / Marwadi : The Gujaratis. Second largest community in Bombay after Marathas.
Madrasi : Any guy from south of Maharashtra including Bangalore, Goa or anywhere.
Gulti : This is a fairly new term. Used for people from
Andhra Pradesh.I
Bhaiya / Pandit : Any guy from UP / Bihar / MP / Delhi /
Northern states is called a Bhaiya.
Bhapajee : A Sikh. Not insulting but loving and repectful.
Pavwalla : The
Christians, because of the fact that they eat bread
instead of chapatis.
Saala : Meaning wife's brother....but in Mumbai it is
used in every context whether good or bad...when friends meet and greet then it
is "kya saala kaisa hai....." when angry "abey saale....phoot
na"... in fact this is the most common used word in mumbai.... and can be
used when you are happy / sad /depressed / angry / shy / vulgar / teasing / and
when there is nothing else to say then use a saala....
There's a minor problem - Arre
yaar, "Waanda" ho gaya
There's a big problem - Arre
yaar, "Zol" ho gaya
There's a huge problem - Arre
yaar, "Raada" ho gaya
You'll be surprised - Ekdam
"Hill" jayega tu
I am going out of this place
- Chal apun "Kaltii" marta hai.
Don't make a fool of others - Dekh
, Tu "Shendi" mat laga sabko
Just get out of here, you
oversmart fool!! - Chal e Shaaane, "Hawa" aan de
I am not a stupid out here - Apun
kya "ALIBAUG" se nahi aaya
There's some misunderstanding
- Arre kuch "Galat Faimili" ho gayi
Do u drink daily?: -Tu kya
roz "FULL TO" hota hai?
See, You are afraid.. - Dekh
, teri to "FAT" gayi
Shall I just bash u? - E
Du kya "Kharcha Pani" ?
Just take him into a corner - Use
jara "Khopche" me leke ja
What a beautiful lady !! - Kya
"Zakaas Item" hai yaar!!
What a sensuous/unexplainably
sexy lady!! - Kya "Raapchik Maal / Piece" hai yaar!!
Don't just bluff..OK? - E
Jyaada "RAAG" mat de..
Don't take much tension.. - Jyaada
"LOAD" nahi leneka kya??
Your clothes are very
awkward!! - Kya "ZAGMAG / DHINKCHAAK" pehna tune?
I don't care about it
much..!! - Abe yaar , "Hata Saawan Ki Ghata"
Please don't overbore me.. - Jyaada
"PAKAA" mat be tu
Idharich- Right here.
Udharich- There.
Kayeko –Why.
Locha or Locha Labacha – Problem.
Machmach, Badbad, Khitpit - cribbing or rambling.
Sallang , Jhakaas, dhansu,
fattang, kadak, dhinchak, rapchik- Excellent.
Mandavli, Setting,Samjhauta- Compromise or understanding, territory
Topi, jholar, Jhol - Fraud or Dhokha.
Shaanapanti- Acting
Satak le, kat le- Get out, beat it.
Tapori - Dude, guy,
hoodlum, awara, Lafanga.
Sultaana- To resolve an issue- Suljhana (सुलझाना)
Lafda - Fight, problem,
Hadakna (हड़कना) To eat .
Bablya (बाबल्या) baby kid used for Bus driver/conductor or ticket
Waat le, Phoot le,
wantas ki goli le- Get out, Save your soul, Run.
Dabba (डब्बा) Police vehicle, Police ki gaadi Local slang.
Samaan- Weapon, Hathyar.
Kaccha Limbu/Nimbu- Rookie/
Patli galli se satak le- Go away from here quietly
Hawa aane de- Go away, let
me breathe some air.
Abe Saale- Hello friend.
Thakela-A weak person.
Hari Patti - Money, directly referring to the 500
rupee note.
Churan- Lie spoken by a
Taliya, Takla, Taliya is a slang used to describe a bald .
Bhiidu – Friend.
Bakri- Smartphone (with a
Laptop computer.
Haathi- Desktop
Sumdi mein- Incognito or secret, To something
without making any noise.
Bol Bacchan- Talk, Generally means a disparaging address to
talkative person, indicating that the content of his talk is previously known
and so is uninteresting (Boring out of predictability, repetitive or tedious)
and perhaps empty talk.
Jhol- Scam Ghapla, Ghotala. (Used
as "Jhol karna")
Keeda - APest, A trouble or nuisance maker
Fund - Generally refers to a small robbery
Dabba dalke aata hu- 'I'm
going to the toilet'
Off ho gaya/ tapak gaya- Dead / Died
KharchaPaani- Bribe, Pocket Money or a Bashing .
All this must be done without
anyone's notice - Sab kaam "SUUMDI" me hona chahiye.kya?
aka Guru Gurunay aka Poet Balwant Gurunay...
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